Leticia amazon travel guide

Leticia amazon travel guide

Friday, March 28, 2014

Entry and Exit Stamps in Leticia Amazonas

Leticia is just in the middle between Santa Rosa (Peru) and Tabatinga (Brasil). There are several ways to travel from Iquitos or Manaus to Leticia by plane, fast or slow boats. Immigration paper work is really important in this area but don't miss confuse just because we are an open boundary to fool with it or you will get a 400 USD fine. On each city (Tabatinga-Santa Rosa-Leticia) there is an immigration center so you can do your paper work right without any problem and remember that is free.
Remember that if you do an exit from a country (Peru-Colombia-Brasil), you only have 24 hr to do the entry stamp. If you stay longer without any entry stamp, you will get a 400 USD international fine. It's not a joke.

Day Trip Travel guide in Leticia Amazonas

Leticia, is the gateway to the Colombian Amazon. It's a small city comparing to Iquitos and Manaus but much better, secure, less touristic, with several potential and exotic places. Taking a day trip is perfect if you have small budget or you don't like to take an escorted or organized tour. There are several places to sleep in Leticia and my recommendation is to stay at Mahatu GuestHouse, its an amazing hostel with lake and lots of resting and green areas. Day trips are ideal for people that wants a comfortable sleeping with a busy day doing activities in the jungle, tribes or the river.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Amazon Jungle, Pink Dolphin and native tribes tour in Leticia Amazonas

Amazonascolombia.com is a local tour operator based in the Colombian Amazon Basin, we design off the beaten track and personalized tours in the Amazon Rain forest. On this plan we will have the opportunity to spot pink and grey dolphins, Visit local town of Puerto Nariño, Rain forest treks, native canoeing, Piranha fishing, visit local markets, taste delicious Amazonian food, Visit lakes, bird watching, handcraft workshop and many more activities.

Activities to do in the Tour

  • Spotting Pink and Grey Dolphins
  • Visit local indigenous Malokas
  • Bird Watching
  • Visit Lake Tarapoto
  • Canoeing
  • Sports Fishing
  • Handcraft workshop
  • Rainforest and Wildlife Treks
  • Cayman Safari
  • Chagra (Plantations) workshop